
How To Decorate A Huge Sectional

Pocket-size Living Room Decorating Ideas (With a Bonus Sectional Round-Up)

Some time ago I did a whole mail service on my family unit room mini makeover and I had and so many messages request me what size my family unit room was. My answer was always "non large". Information technology then occurred to me that in that location might be a small living room epidemic going on.

Yes, I am being a tad dramatic.

Decorating a small living room can exist a real challenge though

I learned this the difficult mode recently when I was searching for a new exclusive for our family room. My living room is pocket-size. Not extremely small but more than like moderate small…about 10X12 small.

Sectional in small living room

Round Mirror//Sconces

Don't permit the vaulted ceilings fool you…

Our previous home's living room was near double our current home am I am non exaggerating.  Nosotros were spoiled. And so spoiled. I realize that now.

But I shoved all I could in our current family room and it worked for a few years but I knew I was getting the itch to change things around. And so I began the not bad sectional chase of 2020.

This is what our family room looked like just a few months ago and before I gave our fireplace a makeover with peel and stick tiles.

And today….

Living room decor ideas

Side Table//Round Mirror//Sconces

I've recently updated our living room a bit. Not huge changes only just a few picayune ones that made a big difference in the feel of our space.  A new (and slightly bigger) rug and new window treatments made a huge divergence to me. We'll talk more than most this afterward…

But for now, here is how our living room is situated.

Yous can also see in this picture how narrow our living room is with the built in bookshelves. I honey those shelves but they definitely brand it more challenging to arrange piece of furniture.

living room

The deviation some new furniture can brand amazes me. .

I sat on every sectional in a l mile radius of my business firm and I read 125,568 reviews of every couch I could.

I am not the biggest fan of sectionals to brainstorm with so I knew this was going to be challenging. And I am so indecisive it can drive anyone that knows me insane. Enquire my husband.

Let me simply run through the sectionals I considered and would recommend and so nosotros volition talk more about my living room. Thrilling, I know. If you.aren't interested in a sectional, just scroll on down.

For the record, the sectional I am sitting on equally I am typing this isn't one I ever sat on or researched before I purchased it. I bought it because in my heed it was a sign. More than on all of this afterwards as well.

(This post contains affiliate links. Y'all can run across my full disclosure policy hither)

Best Sectionals For Pocket-size Spaces

The "IT" Exclusive from Macy's (Radley Sectional)

(PS, this exclusive besides comes in a sofa form if you are looking for a sofa and non a exclusive)

Did you know there was such thing equally the "It" sectional? Me either. Information technology wasn't until I was doing my research did I stumble upon the rave reviews of the Radley sectional from Macy'southward. In that location is a cult following on this sectional. In one case again, I am not exaggerating.

I initially purchased this sectional and so three days later realized I bought the wrong size. Macy's client service was amazing. They canceled my order for me so I could get back online and guild some other exclusive in the right size. I had every intention to social club another Radley exclusive …until I checked my electronic mail.

I did go to Macy's to see and sit down on the couch and to give it the good ol' comfy butt test. Yeah, it was as described in all of the reviews. It'due south firm but comfortable, the fabric looks like it can clean easily, it can be configured in ane,562 different means and comes in so many unlike colors (most are considered custom colors merely the toll stays the same)

Macy Radley

This is the sectional in the Chrome Beige color which is normally an in-stock particular

I actually did similar this exclusive because while it'due south a sectional, it's not an "in your face" sectional. It has square arms and non bulky cushions. It was exactly what I was looking for in a sectional peculiarly for a small space.

If I never had checked my email I would be sitting on the Radley sectional correct now.

(Disclaimer….some of the reviews on Macy's website are not as favorable. I read all of those reviews too but I still decided to purchase the sectional. Obviously I cannot speak for the durability of this sectional)

The Norfolk Sectional from Havertys

This was some other popular exclusive I establish while doing my research. I also barrel tested this sectional and it was besides comfy. I wasn't 100% sold on the arms of this couch or the fabric choices that were in stock. At that place was zip wrong with either merely for my space and preference, I decided to pass on this exclusive merely the reviews are great.

Norfolk Sectional

The Pearce Sectional from Pottery Barn

Another very popular sectional is the Pearce Sectional from Pottery Barn. I loved this sectional. It was and then comfortable and then pretty (equally pretty as a exclusive can be). You can get this sectional in the rolled arm or foursquare arm. You lot tin can customize it with a million different fabrics.

According to the sales associate at the store when I was at that place butt testing the sectional, he said the Pearce sectional is their acme selling exclusive. It vanquish the Comfort Sectional which I also sat on and is also very comfy

The toll of this exclusive is more on the loftier side and non really what I wanted to spend on a burrow my kids will likely destroy. If you are dead set on this couch/exclusive I would look until it went on auction.

The Shelter Sectional from West Elm

I wanted this couch so bad. I've seen it all over pinterest and was so excited when I saw it at our W Elm outlet. Information technology wasn't the correct configuration for my space and would have likely been likewise pocket-size for our infinite equally well. Nontheless, I got to finally sit on it and do the comfy butt test. It was very comfortable. It was just equally pretty in real life. The Shelter Blue color is such a pretty bluish color and what I would take purchased.

I really can't say I know much about West Elm's quality since I don't ain whatsoever huge pieces of furniture from them

Nosotros did purchase the Sedwick recliner from the outlets for my husband and so far the recliner is belongings upward well. I'm laughing at this annotate because it'south been 8 days since we brought it home. I'll continue you posted.

family room

Round Mirror//Sconces

And drumroll please….the sectional I purchased on a whim

The Emmett Sectional from World Marketplace.

If you are new here, you should know that I have a soft spot in my heart for Globe Market place. 75% of the furniture I own is from Earth Market. Most of it we have had for years and the quality is amazing…in my stance.

After I canceled my Macy's club, I checked my email to exist reminded that World Market was still having their huge furniture sale.

(You lot can run into some of my favorite furniture picks from World Market here)

Long story short, this sectional (that tin can but be purchased online) was out of stock online at the fourth dimension…. but in that location was the exact configuration in stock at my local store from a previous online guild that got canceled. If that is non a sign, then I do not know what is.

Emmett sectional world market I told my married man " I was simply going to look at the sectional" and then asked him to help me take the seats out of mini van. I knew this exclusive was coming home with me in my mini van.

I love my mini van but I love it the most when it helps me bring home behemothic pieces of furniture.

Three trips to and from World Marketplace later, I was the proud owner of the Emmett Sectional. And let me tell y'all, I love it. I love the colour, the blueprint, the comfort and the price.

This is another one of those "configure it how you want" sectionals. Since my space is longer than it is wide, I was able to design a longer skinnier couch.

I've had this sectional for a few years now and y'all can tell how well it is holding up. I practise every once in a while take to re-fluff the back pillows merely that'south what happens when three kids sit down correct on pinnacle of the back pillows.

sectional in family room

Alibi the dog's paws. She finds a way to photo flop all of my weblog pictures

Y'all tin purchase the pieces individually and blueprint this sectional how y'all need for your space

We are a family of 5 and the kids each like to sprawl out on flick nights. We needed as many cushions as I could fit in our living room. I would also highly recommend taping out the couch in your space before you buy it. This couch is deep. I love the depth but merely a alert

I am and then so so and then and then and then glad I checked my email and own a mini van.

How To Decorate A Pocket-size Living Room With a Sectional Sofa

Ok,at present for the proficient stuff…sort of. I touched a trivial fleck on this before but I will talk more here.

How to accommodate pocket-size living room with exclusive

~ Maximize your space

This was our biggest issue. I originally had our furniture placed as well far into our living room and I was not maximizing the space in our eat in area.

I can thank my husband for this thought. I hate when he is right simply he was this time. We decided to shift everything closer to the kitchen.

We lost a few anxiety in our eat in area to gain a few feet in our living room…the room that we spend most of our time in. It just made sense.

living room couch

Coffee Table//Rug

A great way to maximize your space is with a sectional sofa. When nosotros originally had two sofas in this room, the corner of the family room was wasted. We gained some extra seating with a sectional.

Modular Sofas For Small Spaces

A smashing sectional for small spaces is a modular sofa. It makes it easier to design your sofa according to your needs.

And, if you are similar me and want more places to sit butts on flick nights, practise not exist afraid of getting a large sectional for a pocket-sized living room.

Once again, that is where a modular sofa will come in handy.

A few other tips to make your small living room feel bigger

~Paint your walls a lighter color

When we beginning moved into this business firm, our walls were a very dark brown. This room felt like a dungeon. With all the natural light we get from the big windows, I knew a calorie-free and bright color would exercise the trick. Our walls are Silver Drop by Behr. I love this paint colour so much I did a whole mail on it here.

mantel decor in living room

~Hang window treatments high and wide

I recently took downwardly my no sew roman shades. They were fine for what I wanted at the time but I was ready for a modify. Hanging new window treatments high and wide fabricated the room feel 10 times bigger.

~Selection the right piece of furniture

Cypher kills the design of the room like the incorrect furniture. I am very much a "get what you love and make information technology piece of work" kind of decorator simply that approach doesn't always work with article of furniture.

Before you purchase annihilation, measure information technology out on your floor with painters tape. Make sure yous have plenty room to walk effectually your pieces.

I know alot of people chose to not have coffee tables to gain more than room in their living rooms. I only couldn't do it. I needed a place for my anxiety and for pretty books.

coffee table in family room

Java Table//Carpet

If yous want a java table but non the bulk of i, consider a drinking glass table meridian to go along things lite and airy in your space. Or even a long upholstered bench would work. I went smaller with my coffee table than our previous 1 and I made sure information technology was light and slim looking.

~Rug placement with a sectional

You will instantly make your room experience larger by getting the right size carpet. The bigger the better. A small rug will make your room experience choppy and unconnected. The goal is to have the front legs of near (if not all) of your furniture on the rug.

My married man's chair couldn't make information technology to the rug party since information technology was in the corner but the front legs of our sectional are on the rug.

living room with sectional

~Move your article of furniture off the walls.

I know I told yous guys this before simply I didn't see the difference until I did it myself in our family unit room. We had to motility the sectional out from the dorsum wall 12 inches since we had a air vent we didn't want to cover. I was worried the couch would take upward too much infinite but it actually fabricated our room feel bigger.

It'south funny when you practice what y'all preach.

PS…if yous are wondering where our IKEA couches went, I moved them to our front room and they seem to be very happy at that place.

For now though, my new sectional is very very happy here

living room decor

Side Table

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couch and coffee table

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