
What Items Would You Use To Decorate A Toy Hauler

If you were the type of kid who kept toys prissy and neat or refused to take them out of the box, mind upwards. While you may have been the butt of many of your friends' jokes dorsum so, you may be the i laughing all the style to the bank now. Some of those toys you and so nicely packed away for a rainy twenty-four hour period could now be worth a fortune. Allow'due south take a look at thirty vintage toys worth lots of money today.

Garbage Pail Kids Cards

Garbage Pail Kids cards were the Pokémon cards of the '80s. They were collectible, tradeable and and so gross! With characters like Adam Bomb, Itchy Richie and Blasted Baton, all the cards featured a doll-like child that was either sick, maimed or hurt. Plenty of blood, boils, snot, explosions or the like could be found in a pack of Garbage Pail Kids cards.

Photo Courtesy: Jelene Morris/Flickr

And similar many collectible cards, yous could fetch adept money for them if you have any lying effectually. Garbage Pail Kids cards in mint condition could earn you up to $100, while fifty-fifty used cards from the original 1980s are good sellers on eBay.

Polly Pocket

These pint-sized dolls and their size-appropriate homes were the prized possessions of many kids in the late '80s and early '90s. In 1998, Mattel bought the Polly Pocket brand and began manufacturing the dolls a flake bigger, merely if y'all take the original sized Polly Pockets made anywhere from 1989 to 1998, y'all're in luck!

Photo Courtesy: Herry Lawford/Flickr

Sets withal in their original packaging have sold for hundreds of dollars. Likewise, doll lots take gone for almost $1,000. With a price tag that loftier, it may be fourth dimension to pay your parents a visit to manus through some of your quondam babyhood boxes in the attic.

Pokémon Cards

Pokémon cards may be hot now, only they're definitely not new. Kids from all over the earth take been trying to "grab 'em all" since the '90s, and even back so in that location were those rare cards everyone tried to hunt down. One of the rarest was the Charizard holographic card. Released exclusively in 1999, this special card has sold for more than $5,000!

Photograph Courtesy: Minh Hoang/Flickr

And outset edition sets take gone for even more. In fact, a mint status prepare featuring a holographic Charizard carte du jour went up for bidding on eBay in February 2019 and the bidding started at a whopping $12,000 and sold for $25,000. If you have any old Pokémon cards lying around, practise yourself a favor and check their value earlier handing them over to your kids.


Furby was small, portable and spoke in its own strange language. Non to mention it was pretty creepy-looking! Nevertheless, the one-half-owl-one-half-hamster animal was the must-have toy in 1998. To the dismay and confusion of many parents, kids went wild for these colorful talking toys. Like all toy crazes, this one eventually fizzled out. Notwithstanding, if you were a child who decided Furbies were just likewise weird-looking and left yours in the box, your Furby toy could bring nearly more than simply bad memories.

Photo Courtesy: Vox Efx/Flickr

Original Furby toys have sold for hundreds of dollars too! Then, while your quondam Furby may exist ane that you're tempted to toss, sell at a garage auction for a quarter or put in a weighted purse and allow it sink to the bottom of a lake (yikes), it could actually exist worth something if you decide to sell it.

Beanie Babies

Let's bound from something slightly terrifying to something extremely beautiful! Beanie Babies were both a child'southward and a collector's dream. With new releases occurring frequently, there were many opportunities to add together to a Beanie Baby collection. The crowning jewels were always the limited edition ones, however. Often created and released for special events or certain people (like the Princess Beanie Infant created in 1997 later Princess Diana) these were made in limited amounts and for a brusque fourth dimension only.

Photo Courtesy: Dominique Godbout/Flickr

Other Beanie Babies worth coin now are ones that had manufacturing defects, like the imperial bluish elephant Beanie Baby sewn in a darker color than intended. If yous have any Beanie Babies around your firm, check your collection to see if yous take any of these babies that could be worth a fortune.


If you thought candy containers would never be worth more than than a few bucks, remember again. Your empty PEZ dispensers – the ones you hated to throw out because of the characters you loved – could be worth some serious greenbacks today.

Photograph Courtesy: Charles Kremenak/Flickr

In fact, a collectible PEZ dispenser made for the 1982 Earth's Off-white sold for $32,000 on eBay! Check out this site for even more valuable PEZ dispensers that may be sitting in that lonely forgotten shoe box under your bed. Some of the costliest dispensers include Santa Claus, Mickey Mouse and the PEZ gun.

Original Monopoly Board Game

Did you know Monopoly traces its origins all the style back to 1902? Originally known every bit The Landlord'southward Game, the game was start created to illustrate the concepts of land value taxation and economic privilege. Sounds fun, right? The game changed over the years and somewhen morphed into what we now know as Monopoly in the 1930s.

Photo Courtesy: glasseyesview/Flickr

While this game is widely available today, if you have an original game from the 1930s, it could be worth thousands. Fifty-fifty if you don't take a vintage Monopoly game, limited editions may as well be worth some dough.

Super Mario Bros. for Nintendo Entertainment System

Today's video game systems include Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation and Xbox. But the only system around back in the '80s was the Nintendo Entertainment Arrangement. Back then, millions of kids (and adults) spent hours controlling a pixelated Mario, collecting coins and "1-Ups," or shooting ducks while watching an blithe dog giggle.

Photo Courtesy: walknboston/Flickr

Today, graphics and engineering science accept gotten light years better, but in that location'south something cornball about the original. If you lot can observe any of the original Super Mario Bros. games, yous could be a few hundred dollars richer.

Super Soakers

If you've seen commercials for products similar Agglomeration O Balloons (and let's be existent, who hasn't seen these commercials) you know toys that make 100 h2o balloons in seconds are the granddaddy of water play. They're fast, easy and allow everyone to become soaking wet in seconds. But the envy of any water-seeking child in the '90s was a Super Soaker.

Photo Courtesy: ariesa66/Pixabay

The brightly colored h2o cannons delivered h2o to your target accurately and hard. While Super Soakers are yet being manufactured, vintage Super Soakers are being sold on eBay for hundreds. Fifty-fifty used original models tin can bring a seller a couple hundred dollars.

G.I. Joe

Girls in the 1980s played with Barbies, simply the boys? They played with G.I. Joe. The brawny hero action figure came with complete playsets, vehicles and a whole backstory that included the G.I. Joe team and their opponents – the terroristic Cobra Command.

Tom McCormick/Flickr

These collectible figures were easy to accumulate back then, but if you want whatsoever of the original sets now, you'll need to fork over anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars. Even incomplete sets from the '80s can sell a few hundred dollars today.

Power Rangers Action Figures

The mighty, mighty Power Rangers are now mighty, mighty expensive. The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers burst onto the Saturday morn scene in the early on 1990s, prompting kids everywhere to run effectually flaunting their all-time kung fu moves and shouting "Information technology's morphin' time!"

Photo Courtesy: Baldwin Saintilus/Flickr

From a wildly pop Tv set show to toys and movies, the Ability Rangers were i of the first team hero franchises. Now considered vintage, the original action figures can be found on eBay for way more than than yous would have paid in the '90s. Taking the time to check your closets for your old Power Rangers could prove to be a rewarding job. Totally tubular!


Transformers have made a huge comeback in contempo years, with numerous films and spin-offs nearly specific Autobots, like Bumblebee. But it'southward far from being a new toy line – Transformer toys date back to the 1980s!

Photo Courtesy: Pete Slater/Flickr

If you were lucky enough, or smart enough, to put any of these toys aside and keep them in decent status, yous could list them on eBay for $1,000 and upward. Some bestsellers include the G1 Devastator Gift Set, G1 Jetfire and G1 Hot Rod, which recently sold for nearly $3,000 at sale.

Hot Wheels

Dedicated toy collectors everywhere know the value of Hot Wheels. While inexpensive, readily available and likely passed from child to child in your family unit, certain Hot Wheels are really worth thousands. Like many car-loving boys who grew into adults, you may take a stash of Hot Wheels hoarded away in an attic, basement or garage somewhere. Merely in order to bring in the big bucks with Hot Wheels, you need to have a skillful middle.

Photo Courtesy: Mike Mozart/Flickr

Most of these cars are simply worth a few dollars decades later, but if you know what y'all're looking for, you could sell select cars for thousands of dollars. Search your collection for express edition vehicles or those that were manufactured with mistakes, to get the big bucks.


He-Man was the atomic number 82 hero of the most ballsy-sounding group there e'er was – the Masters of the Universe. He-Man, also known as "the nigh powerful human in the Universe," led his forces against Skeletor, the evil sorcerer from the planet Eternia.

Photo Courtesy: Wizard of 10/Flickr

Guarding the universe wearing nothing but a loin material, He-Man was a manly part model for many young boys. Lots of toys and sets were produced in the 1980s and '90s, and could bring in anywhere from $50 to hundreds. And it'south not merely He-Man that's worth some serious dough. Other valuable Masters of the Universe action figures include Teela, Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Light Skeletor and Mer-Human.

American Girl Dolls

American Girls are the paradigm of loftier quality dolls. Even today, a new doll volition toll well-nigh $100 to $120. Plus, add in diverse outfits, accessories and playsets and the cash will really kickoff to add upward. But here'due south the affair with American Girl – each year, the company issues a "Daughter of the Year" doll.

Photo Courtesy: Yusef C/Flickr

This special doll is made for that year only and is then retired. Even some mainstay dolls are retired from time to time. This means past "Girl of the Year" or retired dolls are normally hard to find and worth more than than the usual $120 if you have one.

Magic: The Gathering

Like Pokémon, Magic: The Gathering has developed a cult post-obit. Non only trading cards, Magic is a complex game nearly a battle between wizards. In that location are artifacts, spells and creatures involved, and players lose life points. The original game was based off the tabletop function-playing game Dungeons and Dragons.

Photograph Courtesy: Olhe/Flickr

Making its debut in 1993, first edition Magic playing cards are now collector's items. Sealed starter decks from the early on '90s can fetch collectors thousands of dollars and limited edition cards can be worth over five-figures. Slap-up for playing cards, right?


The '90s brought us fashion trends similar overalls, grunge, platform sneakers and all kinds of plaid. But apparently, it also brought us all kinds of playing cards. Too Pokémon and Magic: The Gathering, the '90s also introduced us to Yu-Gi-Oh!

Photograph Courtesy: Kevin Qiu/Flickr

With spells, monster attacks and life points, Yu-Gi-Oh! may sound like to Magic: The Gathering. And like Magic, first edition cards are worth way more than an ordinary gear up of playing cards. Similar the other playing cards on our list, cards that are limited edition, rare or extremely hard to detect are going to be worth a few thousand dollars.

Vintage LEGO Sets

When you were a child and received a brand new Lego set, did you go on it sealed in the box and place information technology nicely on your shelf? Probably not! Like most kids, you likely ripped that sucker open, spewed Lego bricks all over the place and started to build immediately. Simply if you were that rare child who actually kept the sets in the box, y'all may exist able to sell them for quite a scrap of money.

Photo Courtesy: Neb ward/Flickr

Vintage or rare sets in new condition tin can get anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars. If yous have an uncommonly rare Lego set, you may be able to sell it even if it is used or missing the instruction booklet.

First Edition Barbie

At that place's no denying Barbie's looks accept changed over the years. She'south gotten a bit curvier, ditching her iconic hourglass shape in favor of a fuller look. But any her shape or size, Barbie has remained at the top of the coveted doll listing since the 1950s.

Housing Works Thrift Shops/Flickr

And like other toy franchises that have put out numerous dolls over the years, Barbie also has its special limited editions. These were often created for events or sure people. And, of course, these limited edition Barbies are now worth a lot of money. If yous were lucky enough to score whatever of the collectible Barbies when they were released, you could list them on eBay and easily collect in thousands of dollars.

Vintage Atari Cartridges

Before Nintendo, there was Atari. With games like Centipede, Pong and Space Invaders, Atari was essentially at the forefront of the video game craze. Today, Atari serves as a vintage old schoolhouse reminder of what video games used to be like.

Photo Courtesy: Marcin Wichary/Flickr

Dissimilar Nintendo, which even so puts out games and gaming consoles, Atari really is vintage. Defunct since 2003, Atari games – especially early ones – are worth hundreds. Some of the most valuable games are Air Raid, Ruby Bounding main Crossing, Altogether Mania and Gamma-Set on. Check eBay or other game buying and selling sites for the most competitive prices.

Game Male child

Yes, more gaming systems. Sure video games take come and gone, leaving plenty of opportunity to collect and brand money off some of these relics. Game Boys were the get-go handheld devices, predating whatsoever cell telephone that featured games.

Photo Courtesy: Jack Brookes/Flickr

The kickoff Game Boys were clunky, needed batteries and didn't have any color. They were carried around and the games were stuffed into the corresponding fanny packs. While Game Boys went extinct in the early 2000s, mint condition games and Game Boys can bring you hundreds if you lot still accept them lying around.

The Fisher-Price Trivial People Family unit Play House

The Fisher-Price play house was like the tricycle of dollhouses. Information technology'south modeled for beginners, so perfect for niggling ones. Today, the houses come in a traditional-looking brown, but in the '60s and '70s the original house came in baby blue with a xanthous roof. It too came fully stocked with furniture, iv "Little People" figures and a dog.

Photo Courtesy: rebeccanineill/flickr

While this dollhouse is still hands obtainable, it's the yellow-roofed version that is getting harder to notice. Because it's then former and hasn't been manufactured in decades, the houses with the yellow roof can exist sold for a couple hundred dollars on eBay.

Cabbage Patch Kids Dolls

In the 1980s, Cabbage Patch Kids dolls were mass-produced with their round-cheeked faces and cherub-like grins. They came with soft fabric bodies and harder vinyl heads, but from 1976 to about 1982, the Cabbage Patch empire began with soft sculpture dolls that were hand stitched. "Adopted" out of an old medical clinic remade into "BabyLand General," Cabbage Patch dolls, then known as "Xavier Roberts Soft Sculpture Little People," were carried out of the hospital, only like you would a real baby.

Photo Courtesy: William McKeehan/Flickr

It wasn't until 1982 when Xavier Roberts sold the mass-producing rights to a company chosen Coleco that the dolls were renamed Cabbage Patch Kids. If yous can discover an original soft structure doll, you can bring in hundreds of dollars. Yous can earn even more if your vintage doll has Xavier Robert'due south handwritten signature on the doll's bottom.

Vintage Rainbow Brite Dolls and Accessories

Who here remembers Rainbow Brite, her friends the Colour Kids and her sidekick Twink the Sprite? Rainbow Brite was spunky, colorful and her outfit was "goals" for cosplay kids. With the assist of the Colour Kids, Rainbow Brite finds the Color Belt and uses it forth with the Sphere of Light to rescue the sprites and restore color to the land. Skilful stuff, right?

Photo Courtesy: Gushi Soda/Flickr

With the popularity of the telly prove, yous can bet the dolls were also wildly popular. Today, the original Rainbow Brite dolls, and even the Color Kids, can bring in at least a thousand dollars.

Teddy Ruxpin

The idea behind Teddy Ruxpin was genius. An animatronic teddy bear that reads to kids, thank you to a cassette tape histrion built into the carry. Oh, and its optics and mouth also moved when it read. Talk about the perfect storyteller!

Photograph Courtesy: @CNET/Twitter

Teddy Ruxpin was the ideal companion and teacher for young children, fifty-fifty if it was a bit creepy for parents. In that location are still talking Teddy Ruxpin dolls beingness made today, just the first ones released during the 1980s can be sold for up to a 1000 dollars. Of course, it helps if Teddy is housed in his original packaging.

Ghostbusters Figures

"Who you gonna telephone call? Ghostbusters!" If yous were alive in the '80s, yous either saw the flick in theaters or rented it at the video store when information technology came out on VHS. And who doesn't know the iconic Stay Puft Marshmallow Human being? In fact, the popularity of Ghostbusters has lasted through the years, with a reboot of the motion-picture show released recently with an all-female cast.

Photograph Courtesy: poppet with a camera/Flickr

The wildly popular original film was made into cartoons, Halloween costumes, books and toys. The activeness figures have fabricated their way onto the listing of collectors' items, peculiarly the Peter Venkman Fright Feature. With bugged out eyes and stand-upward pilus, this action figure is one of the near coveted. Mint condition activity figures can bring in hundreds of dollars.

Lite Brite

Debuting in the 1960s, Lite Brite was mode ahead of its fourth dimension. Powered by a light bulb, users plugged multi-colored pegs into holes to brandish a colorful, lit up picture on a fairly large light box. For a '60s toy, this was innovative and creative.

Photograph Courtesy: Kyle Van Horn/Flickr

Lite Brite is still around today, only information technology'south definitely thinner than information technology used to exist. It's been made into different versions, including a flat screen version and 3D cube. Equally you lot can probably guess, with the many changes over the years, the original versions are now collectors' items.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Action Figures

If information technology seems like today's children are reliving your own babyhood obsessions, you'd be right. With fads like Pokémon and Transformers coming dorsum around, y'all can bet there are other TV shows and toys making their manner back into pop culture. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is another one of those fads.

Photo Courtesy: Baldwin Saintilus/Flickr

Recent cartoons and live action movies have made these characters popular once again. But of course, information technology's the original activity figures from the 1980s that are worth something today. New in-box or otherwise mint condition action figures tin be sold for a few hundred dollars. Rare pieces could bring you lot up to a one thousand. Not bad for a unmarried activity figure!

Vintage Strawberry Shortcake Dolls

How can yous non dear Strawberry Shortcake? She had the near delicious name and friends who sounded equally delicious. Her sidekicks included Huckleberry Pie, Blueberry Muffin, Apple Dumplin', Plum Puddin', Lemon Meringue and Orange Flower. Anyone else getting hungry?

Photo Courtesy: Abigail Batchelder/Flickr

Each character had their own distinct personality and matching pet. And you can bet there were dolls! The original dolls were released back in the 1980s, only if you have any of these dolls in excellent condition or (even better) still in the box, it could earn you a few hundred dollars.

Care Bears

Cute, cuddly and filled with stomach power with their "Intendance Bear stare," these colorful teddy bears were what every little girl wanted. If you lot spent years collecting Cheer Bears, Love-a-Lot Bears and Friend Bears, y'all could be staring down a pretty hefty payday.

Photograph Courtesy: John Trainor/Flickr

The teddy bears from the '80s are now considered archetype or vintage and could exist worth quite a bit. If you lot accept a lot of these bears, even better! Some of the most expensive bears with the highest price tag on eBay include the 1984 Pink Cheer Rainbow bear and the 1984 Greenish Bedtime Moon bear.


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